New Year Expectations...

 Every New Year I watch people set their resolutions. It may be pessimistic of me, but I have never really taken part in this tradition. I like to think of goals in relation to my every day life, and long term life plan, so coming up with new resolutions every single year has never been my thing. The closest I get to a New Year’s tradition, is to choose a single word, and that becomes my word for the rest of the year. I carry the word with me and use it as a constant reminder of what is important for me to work on every day. My word for 2020 was fearless, and trust me, carrying that with me every day was a tough one. 


If 2020 taught me anything, it’s that we have to be kinder to ourselves and give ourselves grace where it’s needed. We are not perfect, and life can get hard. There are times when we feel so stuck, so overwhelmed, and drained that it is hard to see the light in anything. I think a lot of us felt that in 2020. That’s why for 2021 I want to be kinder, more patient, and over all more understanding that sometimes things “just happen”. Life gets in the way, a pandemic shuts down the world, but there will be a way out of it. Eventually. 


This year the word I will carry with me is “resilience”. Resilience is the reminder I need that 2020 happened, I lived through it and I will come back stronger on the other side. If any of you decide to choose a word for the New Year I would love if you shared it with us!